Women's Health


The Women's Health SIG aims to influence policy development to advance women's health and the public health research that informs policy and programs. We promote understanding of the social model of health and how gender determines health. Using human rights and feminist approaches, we advocate for improving women's health in Australia, as well as working to promote women's health globally, often with other PHAA SIGs. A feminist and human rights approach recognises that women may experience injustice based on their sex/gender, and that these injustices may also occur on a systemic level through public policy processes.

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Women's Health SIG Committee:

Co-Convenor: Amie Steel


Amie Steel is Associate Professor in Public Health in the School of Public Health at University of Technology Sydney and an Australian Research Council Future Fellow. Amie’s program of research encompasses women’s health during preconception, pregnancy and postnatal periods with a particular focus on supporting improved health policy, health promotion and health services during this critical life stage.

Co-Convenor: Abela Mahimbo
E: [email protected]

Abela is an early career researcher and lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney.

She has a passion for health equity and is developing as an eminent scholar and research leader in the field of public health, specifically migrant and refugee health.

Committee: Suzanne Belton (NT), Bronwyn Silver (NT), Michelle le Roux (Vic), Melanie Gibson (Vic), Mischa Barr (Vic), Jenny Ejlak (Vic), Melissa Graham (Vic), Kerry Hampton (Vic), Mary Stewart (NSW), Sabrina Pit (NSW), Tracey Oorschot (NSW), Caroline Harvey (Qld), Melissa Hobbs (ACT).



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