QLD Branch


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QLD Branch Committee:


President: Amie Steel
E: [email protected]

E:  [email protected]

Amie joined the PHAA QLD Branch in 2019, is Co-Convenor of the Women’s Health SIG, and a founding Executive Committee member of the Complementary Medicine – Evidence, Research and Policy SIG. Amie lives in Brisbane and is a Senior Research Fellow with the School of Public Health at the University of Technology Sydney. Amie’s research focuses on understanding the complexities of health systems and the health professions operating within and alongside mainstream health services. Her work includes a focus on understanding the experiences of patients whose needs fall outside of established health services, and the health professions that try to meet those needs. She has worked to help understand the experience of person-centred care among individuals with chronic illness, including the importance of listening to and valuing patient experiences of their health. Her research interests in women’s health focuses on preconception, pregnancy and the postnatal period.


Vice-President: Shyamala Subramanian

Shyamala joined the PHAA in 2022 and is a member of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs SIG. She lives in Brisbane and is currently volunteering with Rosies, helping people experiencing homelessness and loneliness. She is passionate about contributing towards reducing the health inequities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples via enhancing their access to preventative health measures.




 Co-Secretaries: Bernie Sebar and Georgia Carstensen


Treasurer: Claire Brereton

Dr Brereton has a background in software development and extensive IT executive skills in the health sector, including establishing IT call centres and digitising health systems. Her belief that we should take a holistic ‘systems’ view of health and wellbeing led her to complete a Master of Public Health degree, followed by a PhD in Children’s Environmental Health in Least Developed Countries.
Her interest in public and environmental health, particularly in disadvantaged countries and communities, was reinforced by this work. Claire runs a consultancy business offering  IT governance services but is increasingly pursuing her academic interests which employ mathematical modelling techniques to simulate and predict the effects of different health policies. Claire is a Fellow both of the Australian Computer Society and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.     



General Committee: Melissa Stoneham (Social media coordinator), Paige Preston, Anvitaa Chadha, Chelsea Piroden, Mohammad Kadir.


Main Objectives:

To lead public health advocacy, engagement, and professional development in Queensland.
Our priority areas of action and advocacy include:

  • Ecological determinants of health and equity including climate change.
  • Cultural determinants of health and equity. Addressing the intersections between racism and health. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing. Improving health and wellbeing outcomes by learning from Indigenous leaders in areas including: mental health, substance use and non-communicable disease.
  • Social and economic determinants of health and equity including the walkability of our neighbourhoods, homelessness and employment.
  • Investment in prevention and health promotion including workforce, sun protection, food security, mental health, water fluoridation and preconception health.
  • Other: Decriminalisation of sex work and; reducing the harms associated with risky substance use.


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