SA Branch

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Sa Branch Committee Nomination Form 2024-25

Sa Branch Student Representative Nomination Form


Welcome to the PHAA South Australia Branch

The South Australian Branch of the PHAA is committed to advancing public health in the state. This is achieved by member's involvement in public health, primary health care and environmental health committees and groups; by conducting a seminar program; and assisting in professional development and advocacy.

Please take some time to explore what the PHAA SA Branch has been doing for Public Health. If you are not already a member with us, join now to explore the many benefits of being a member of the Public Health Association Australia.

SA PHAA Branch Committee:

The PHAA SA branch Executive Committee meets monthly to discuss upcoming events, advocacy issues and links with other organisations. All committee members are volunteers. Currently the executive committee is primarily focusing on organising events and advocacy work.



President: Mary Bushe
E: [email protected]

Dr Mary Brushe is a Senior Research Officer in Epidemiology at Telethon Kids Institute and has an PhD in Public Health through the University of Adelaide. Mary has been a member of the PHAA since 2018, and has previously held the roles of Vice President and Advocacy Coordinator for the SA Branch of PHAA and the Treasurer of the Child and Youth Health SIG. She is passionate about improving population health outcomes through research and public health advocacy. Her research interests focus on early childhood health and development, social epidemiology methodology, screen time and digital childhood, children and adolescents' mental health and wellbeing, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, and health equity. Outside of PHAA, Mary is also a member of the 0-3 Early Years Taskforce in South Australia and the Co-Chair of the Student and Postdoc Committee for the International Society Epidemiological Society.



Vice President and Membership Secretary: Joanne Flavel 

Advocacy Coordinator: Ashlea Bartram

Events Coordinator: Priyanka Multani

Minutes Secretary: Emeka Daniel

Awards Coordinator: Nicole Miller

Treasurer: Chijindu Etalong

Social media: to be determined

Committee Members

Jacqueline Bowden
Hannah Wechkunanukul
Katherine Baldock
Alanna Sincovich
Chijindu Etalong
Priyanka Mascarenhas


Ex officio committee members
Danielle Post
Natasha Howard
Amandi Hiyare
Adelaide Chiang
Isabelle Haklar


Student Sub-Committee

The SA PHAA Student Sub-Committee was established in 2021 to facilitate greater student involvement and engagement with the activities of the PHAA. The Sub-Committee meets regularly (at least once every two months) to develop projects aimed at supporting the functions of the Executive Committee, and broader PHAA objectives.

The Sub-Committee aims:

To promote and represent SA PHAA throughout the four major SA Universities;

To attend and support SA PHAA events and activities;

To represent the needs and wants of the student membership base to increase engagement.

Student Sub-Committee Members:

Jay Kongsawat
Negin Mirzaei Damabi
Zahra Ali Padhani
Emeka Daniel
Tharika Rodrigo
Chelsea Dyer
Lisa Callahan
Tiffany Nurk
Riya Mehan
Kesiye Leghemo
Eva Kemp

Advisory Committee

The SA PHAA Executive established the SA PHAA Advisory Committee to ensure that extensive public health and corporate knowledge from local public health leaders is informing the Branch’s strategic directions and advocacy initiatives. The SA PHAA Advisory Committee meets at least twice a year.

The Committee aims:

To work with the Executive Committee to provide input and advice to the Branch’s strategic planning processes, including advice regarding important topics of interest for PHAA member activities;

To determine the recipient of the annual Basil Hetzel Leadership in Public Health Award; and

To provide assistance where possible with the development of relevant submissions and responses to government policies or initiatives.


Professor Fran Baum, Professor John Coveney, Dr Stephen Christley, Ms Christine Morris, Ms Wendy Keech, Mr Adrian Heard.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Public Health Scholarship

The nomination process for the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Public Health Scholarship closes 5pm, Friday 30th of August 2024.

The South Australian Branch of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) is currently calling for applications for the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Public Health Scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded to an individual who identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student, researcher and/or health professional. The award covers registration at either the PHAA Public Health Conference or PHAA Preventive Health Conference, in 2025. The individual will also receive one year’s membership to PHAA and a $100 book voucher. The award will be presented at the 2024 SA Population Health conference on the 25th of October 2024.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarship Criteria 2024

Fran Baum Equity Scholarship

The nomination process for the Fran Baum Equity Scholarship is open and will close at 5 pm, Friday, 30th August, 2024.


Professor Fran Baum is a Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor of Health Equity at The Stretton Institute, The University of Adelaide, Australia and is one of Australia’s leading researchers on the social and economic determinants of health. This scholarship aims to recognise an individual who has made an important contribution to public and community health and demonstrates the principles of social equity.

The scholarship is valued at $500 and also includes one year’s PHAA membership. In 2024, recipients can put the scholarship funds towards research efforts or professional development of their choosing (such as online conference/workshop registration fees, data collection or recruitment expenses, statistical analysis training, development of research translations materials, leadership training courses etc.) in which they do not have the means or supported funding through a university or workplace. The Scholarship is to be presented at the 2024 SA Population Health conference on the 25th of October.

Fran Baum Equity Scholarship 2024

Kerry Kirke Student Award

The nomination process for the Kerry Kirke Student Award closes 5 pm, Friday, 30th August, 2024.

The Kerry Kirke Student Award was established by the Public Health Association of Australia (South Australia Branch) to recognise outstanding scholarship by a South Australian postgraduate student in public health. Nominations for the Kerry Kirke Student Award are being called for, with the award to be presented at the 2024 SA Population Health conference on the 25th of October.

Kerry Kirke Student Award 2024

South Australian Preventive Health Award

The purpose of this award is to recognise outstanding contributions to health promotion and public health in South Australia. Together, our organisations emphasise the importance of investing in disease prevention and health promotion, developing healthy public policies, and ensuring that a wide range of social, behavioural, and environmental preventative services and programs are accessible to those who need them most.

In its original format, this award was endowed by the South Australian Community Health Association (SACHA), which was an independent community health lobby group. SACHA’s purpose was to promote a social view of health and to encourage the development and maintenance of publicly funded community health services in South Australia. The next iteration of the award (2006-2019) was the South Australian Primary Healthcare Practitioner Award, which recognised excellence in primary health care practice, and reflected SACHA’s original emphasis on community health.

South Australian Preventive Health Award 2024

The Basil Hetzel Award

The purpose of this award is to recognise the valuable contribution made by outstanding leaders with a clear track record of exemplary leadership to public health in South Australia. The award seeks to recognise significant contributions to public health in a leadership capacity above and beyond regular employment. It is usually awarded at the PHAA (SA) Annual Awards Night, at which time the winner is invited to address the members. This year it will be awarded at the 2024 SA Population Health conference on the 25th of October.

The Basil Hetzel Award 2024

The Konrad Jamrozik Student Scholarship

The nomination process for the Konrad Jamrozik Student Scholarship closes 5 pm, Friday, 30th August, 2024

The South Australian Branch of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) is currently calling for applications from student members of PHAA (SA) for the 2024 Konrad Jamrozik Student Scholarship. The scholarship covers $500 towards the cost of travel, accommodation or student registration to attend a conference of the student’s choice, including the PHAA Public Health Conference or PHAA Preventive Health Conference in 2025. The award will be presented at the 2024 SA Population Health conference on the 25th of October.

The award is open to postgraduate students currently enrolled at a South Australian university, who are a resident of South Australia, a student member of the PHAA (SA) or intend to become a member, are not a previous recipient of a PHAA (SA) scholarship and has no access to financial support through employment or a scholarship to attend the conference. All research of public health relevance will be considered.

The Konrad Jamrozik Student Scholarship 2024

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