
The Public Health Association of Australia is a member of, or forms alliances with, a range of organisations, campaigns, and peak bodies with the aim of ensuring fewer people in Australia get sick.

These alliances, and our role within them, include:

Alcohol Change Australia

PHAA is a founding partner of this entity, which was formerly called the National Alliance for Action on Alcohol (NAAA).  Alcohol Change Australia is a group of health and community organisations working together to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians. We know what works to reduce the harms caused by alcohol products; all that's needed is action.


Australian Sexual Health Alliance

The Australasian Sexual Health Alliance (ASHA) is a group of partner organisations established to improve national and local responses to sexual health issues, via a multidisciplinary support network for the sexual health workforce. 

It aims to strengthen bonds between specialists, GPs, nurses, researchers and other key contributors to the sexual health sector, through collaboration in sexual health education, training, policy-making and research.


Australian Council of Social Service

The Australian Council of Social Service is a national advocate for action to reduce poverty and inequality and the peak body for the community services sector in Australia. ACOSS’ vision is for a fair, inclusive and sustainable Australia where all individuals and communities can participate in and benefit from social and economic life.

Established in 1956, ACOSS aims to reduce poverty and inequality by leading and supporting initiatives within the community services and welfare sector and acts as an independent non-party political voice, and by drawing on the direct experiences of people affected by poverty and inequality and the expertise of its diverse member base, we develop and promote socially and economically responsible public policy and action by government, community and business.


Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network

AFTINET Australian Fair Trade & Investment Network Ltd

The Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET) is a national network of community organisations and many individuals concerned about trade and investment policy. We support fair trade based on human rights, labour rights and environmental sustainability. AFTINET grew out of the successful campaign by community organisations against the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), which had attempted to restrict the ability of governments to regulate both investment and key areas of social policy.


Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet

Australian Indigenous Health Infonet

The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet (a free web resource) has been helping to close the gap in health between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders other Australians by making the evidence base freely accessible. It is based at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia.


Harmony Alliance

The Harmony Alliance aims to provide a platform for a diversity of migrant and refugee women and relevant practitioners to coordinate engagement and strategic direction, enable an effective voice for migrant and refugee women in domestic and international policy, and advance migrant and refugee women’s participation in economic, social, cultural, civil and political life.


Healthy Food Partnership

The Healthy Food Partnership is a collaboration hosted by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, which provides a mechanism for government, the public health sector and the food industry to cooperatively tackle obesity, encourage healthy eating and empower food manufacturers to make positive changes. 


National Oral Health Alliance

National Oral Health Alliance logo

The National Oral Health Alliance (NOHA) seeks to improve the oral health of all Australians by the collaboration of consumer, dental and general health member organisations to support action by governments. NOHA endorses the 2015-2024 National Oral Health Plan’s four guiding principles; a population health approach, proportionate universalism, integrated oral and general health, and appropriate and accessible services. NOHA recognises that the social determinants of health have a profound influence on oral health. NOHA also recognizes the current inequities in access and outcomes from oral health care in Australia. NOHA’s immediate priorities are effective oral disease prevention and better access to oral health care for vulnerable populations in Australia, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, refugees, remote and regional dwellers, older people, people with severe mental illness, and people who are socially disadvantaged or on low incomes.


Planetary Health Alliance

The Planetary Health Alliance is a consortium of universities, NGOs, and other partners committed to advancing planetary health — an interdisciplinary field focused on characterizing the human health impacts of human-caused disruptions of Earth's natural systems.


Rethink Sugary Drink Alliance

Rethink Sugary Drinks Alliance logo of spoonful of sugar above a can of drink

The Rethink Sugary Drink Alliance is a partnership of health and community organisations. By highlighting the amount of sugar in sweetened beverages such as soft drink, energy drinks and sports drinks, the Alliance is hoping to encourage Australians to rethink their sugary drink consumption and switch to water, reduced-fat milk or unsweetened options. The partner organisations have signed a consensus statement with a series of recommendations around tackling the overconsumption of sugary drinks.