Submissions Library

2024 Submissions

July 2024

Joint Submission on Anti-Racism Framework

PHAA SA submission on the Draft Preventive Health SA Bill 2024 consultation

Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society

June 2024 

ACCC consultation regarding: Infant Nutrition Council Limited - application for revocation of authorisation AA1000534 and substitution of AA1000665 

 PHAA SA submission on proposed restriction of unhealthy food and drink advertising

PHAA SA submission on Health Climate Change Framework consultation

May 2024

Commonwealth Dept. of Health and Aged Care - Health workforce scope of practice review


Commonwealth Dept. Health and Aged Care - Refresh of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs - inquiry into the Therapeutic Goods and other Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Bill 2024

Commonwealth Dept. Climate Change, Energy and Water - National Adaptation Plan Issues Paper


Commonwealth Dept. Health and Aged Care - FSANZ Act Review Impact Analysis


Vaping and Tobacco Control in Victoria


March 2024

PHAA SA Submission - Response to Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility Discussion Paper

Commonwealth Dept. Health and Aged Care - Feasibility Study on Options to Limit Unhealthy Food Marketing to Children Public consultation

Queensland Government - Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

February 2024 

Commonwealth Parliament Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme - Inquiry into NDIS Participant Experience in Rural, Regional and Remote Australia 

Parliament of South Australia Social Development Committee - consultation on the potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia 

Vic Government - Review of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017

Senate inquiry into lobbyists and their access to Parliament House

Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices

January 2024

Public health outcomes can wait no longer (Pre-budget submission for the 2024-25 Budget).

2023 Submissions

December 2023

DFAT - development of Australia's International Disability Equity and Rights Strategy

Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry (short version)

Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry (long version)

Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care - National Sport Plan Consultation Paper

November 2023

Senate Environment and Communications Committee - Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Climate Equity) Bill 2023 inquiry

Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs - Social Security (Administration) Enhanced Income Management Regime

Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee - Inquiry into the Legalising Cannabis Bill 2023

MBS Review Advisory Committee - Joint Response to Telehealth Implementation Report led by Lung Foundation

MSAC Consultation Survey on Patient consultations and surgical procedures for gender affirmation in adults with gender incongruence

WA Government - 2023 Firearms Reforms

October 2023

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications - Darwin Harbour Middle Arm Development

NSW Special Commission of Inquiry into Healthcare Funding

SA Response to Green Paper Consultation for Delivery of the South Australian Health and Medical Research Strategy

Productivity Commission Review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap - Draft Report

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs Legislation Committee - Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Bill 2023

Food Standards ANZ – Proposal P1062 (defining added sugars for claims)

Food Regulation Public Consultation: Industrially-produced trans fats in processed foods (joint submission by PHAA and PHANZ)

September 2023

Food Standards ANZ - Proposal P1049 (Carbohydrate and Sugar Claims on Alcoholic Beverages)

NSW Liquor and Gaming - Alcohol Delivery Reforms (Stage 2)

ACT Government - Regulation of Same Day Liquor Delivery Providers Discussion Paper

Therapeutic Goods Administration - targeted consultation on further details of proposed reforms to the regulation of vapes

Parliament of Australia Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth - Inquiry into the approach adopted by the Australian Government when negotiating trade and investment agreements with trading partners

Australian Government - consultation on Preparing for, and responding to, future pandemics and other international health emergencies

August 2023

Commonwealth House of Representatives Standing Committee On Health, Aged Care And Sport Inquiry into Diabetes

Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding - Joint submission with ACOSS and 10 others -

NSW Legislative Council Select Committee on Birth Trauma

July 2023

Department of Health and Aged Care on Improving alignment and coordination between the Medical Research Future Fund and Medical Research Endowment Account

Department of Health and Aged Care - Review of the Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Bill 2023

Therapeutic Goods Administration - consultation to amend the Poisons Standard in regard to fluorides for human topical use

Department of Health and Aged Care - National Health and Climate Strategy Consultation Paper

ACT Government - ACT Preventive Health Action Plan 2023-2025 Consultation (Draft)

June 2023

Commonwealth Select Committee Inquiry on the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia

ACT Legislative Assembly - submission on Justice (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Amendment Bill 2023

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs - Inquiry into the Assessment and support services for people with ADHD

May 2023

South Australian Government - YourSay Consultation on the proposed new tobacco and e-cigarette regulations

Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General - Submission on the Regulatory Framework for Online Liquor Sale and Delivery Consultation

Commonwealth Parliament - inquiry into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum

Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care - MAIF agreement review survey

Queensland Parliament - Inquiry into reducing rates of e-cigarette use in Queensland

April 2023

Commonwealth Government Department of Social Services - Submission on the Early Years Strategy

Commonwealth Government Attorney-General's Department - Australian Gun Safety Alliance submission on the National Firearms Register

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs - submission on Concussions and Repeated Head Trauma in Contact Sports

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs - submission on the Provisions of the Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management Reform) Bill 2023

Safe Work Australia - submission on the public consultation of the Prohibition on the Use of Engineered Stone

March 2023

Queensland Gov. Health and Environment Committee Inquiry into the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Amendment Bill 2023 

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs - submission on the Extent and Nature of Poverty in Australia

Food Standards ANZ - Proposal P1059 (Energy Labelling on Alcoholic Beverages)

Australian Law Reform Commission - Inquiry into the Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws

February 2023

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs Legislation Committee - Human Rights (Children Born Alive) Bill 2022

January 2023

Commonwealth Treasury - Pre-Budget Submission - Joint Nutrition for Older Australians (PHAA as a member of the Nutrition for Older Australians Alliance, led by Meals on Wheels Australia)

Commonwealth Treasury - Measuring What Matters wellbeing budgeting project

Commonwealth Treasury - Commonwealth Budget 2022-23 - Pre-Budget Submission - 2023: the Year to Deliver on Public Health

Therapeutic Goods Administration – consultation on potential reforms to the regulation of nicotine vaping products

Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs - Inquiry into Universal Access to Reproductive Healthcare

NSW Liquor and Gaming - Liquor Licensing Reform Options Discussion Paper (by PHAA NSW Branch)


2022 submissions

December 2022

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs - Inquiry into online gambling and its impacts on those experiencing gambling harm

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture - Strengthening and Safeguarding Food Security in Australia

Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care - consultation on the Role and Functions of an Australian Centre for Disease Control

November 2022

Health and Wellbeing Queensland - Queensland Obesity Prevention Strategy Consultation Survey Submission

Commonwealth Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission - Revised Aged Care Quality Standards

Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Review of the Rabies Virus Risk in Imported Dogs, Cats and canine Semen from Approved Countries Draft Report

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport - Long COVID and Repeated COVID Infections

October 2022   

FSANZ - P1058 - Nutrition Labelling About Added Sugars

Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters - Inquiry into the 2022 Election

August 2022      

South Australian Parliament - Select Committee on Public and Active Transport

Child Dental Benefits Scheme Review

July 2022           

ACT - draft Variations in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill 2022

Review of the South Australian Mental Health Act

Commonwealth Budget October 2022 - Pre-Budget Submission

June 2022          

Dendrobium Mine State Significance Application

New South Wales Draft Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods (MPTG) Bill 2022